Ep.2/ Kindness


Studies have shown that people who partake in 5 random acts of kindness a week are happier, more content, increase in self-worth, self-esteem and compassion.

Not only that but these acts of kindness can lower your blood pressure, reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

But best of all kindness is contagious!! Not only is the person you have shown kindness to likely to pass it on but also those around you who witness the act.

A wave of kindness from one gesture!!


Remember these acts do not need to be grand gestures.

โค๏ธ Let someone before you in a queue
๐Ÿงก Smile
๐Ÿ’› Hold the door open for someone
๐Ÿ’š Make someone a cup of tea
๐Ÿ’™ Pick up litter
๐Ÿ’œ Pay for a person's coffee behind you in the coffee shop
โค๏ธ Plant flowers in a communal area
๐Ÿงก Say 'Hello/Good Morning/Afternoon' to people you pass
๐Ÿ’› Pay someone a genuine compliment

These acts must always be from a place of expecting nothing in return. If you smile and do not get a smile back. That is OK. Your kindness intention is out there.


Ep.3/ Happiness


Ep.1/ Resiliency