Ep.3/ Happiness


How many times have you said to yourself…

👉🏻‘If I had more money, I’d be happy’
👉🏻‘If I had that job/promotion, I’d be happy’
👉🏻‘If I had that car/house/bag/shoes, I’d be happy’
👉🏻‘If that person was nicer to me, I'd be happy’

In looking at our happiness this way, we seek it from external sources.

This type of happiness is fleeting. It may, leave you feeling happy for an hour, a day or even a week. But that happiness subsides, and we are left looking for the next thing to make us happy. Essentially, we spend our lives reaching for this continual unattainable happiness.


When we flip that mindset and realise that real happiness is an inside job, we can find a stable happiness that we are in control of and that is not reliant on material things or the external world.

A really easy way of doing this is an attitude of gratitude. 🙏🏻

Take a moment right now to think of few things you are grateful for in this moment (not getting caught up in the haves and have nots but just really thinking of a few things you feel grateful for – family, friends, pets, hobbies, the clothes you are wearing, the nice cup of tea or coffee you just drank). Let yourself feel that thankfulness and notice how that leaves you feeling.

My parting thought, ‘It doesn’t matter if the glass is half empty or half full. I can just be grateful there is something in the cup’. 💛


Ep.4/ Internal Dialogue


Ep.2/ Kindness